Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Real Angels Don’t Have Wings"

(Still trying to catch up to present day)

I have a t-shirt with a child’s hand-drawn picture of the angel Moroni that reads: “Real Angels Don’t Have Wings”. Oh, how true that is! There were so many people, including Church members, that came to visit and bring us yummy food. I can’t say enough how much it was appreciated. My legs were really swollen the first few days or so, and the c-section was sore. To top things off I caught a cold the last day I was in the hospital and had a bad cough. All in all, it was a bad combination. I was alone in the evenings when Bill went off to work, so it was a lonely time for me. These angels though, came to visit all throughout the day bring us breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, held the baby while I showered, and even cleaned my home. My mother also came over sometimes to give me a hand. It is no easy task for her as she has to take all of three trains just to get here to this part of Brooklyn. So, you see why real angels don’t have wings?!

The swelling went down after a few days, the cough went away eventually, and it looked like my incision was healing nicely. It was so cold outside though and I still didn’t feel strong enough to venture out with my baby. Then that cool lady I mentioned in an earlier blog came to visit with her two daughters, one which was born only a few days after Liam. She brought me snacks, visited me for a little while, and then left. Unknowingly, what she did was much more. See, if she could be out and about with two children in a stroller walking something like 15 blocks or so, in really bad cold weather I might add, to come visit me, what was stopping me from getting outside if at least for a breath of fresh air?! The mommy blues?! Puhlease! So one day I finally did it; bundled him up and off we went. It was slow moving at first, but little by little I gained enough strength to go out longer and farther.
You know who you are, guys. Thanks again! I may be a lot of things, but I never forget acts of kindness such as these.

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