Tuesday, February 24, 2009


There is no denying how difficult it is to entertain babies and toddlers during the cold winter months here in New York City. It's not that we are afraid of the cold. Well, maybe I am. What is truly scary are the bloodcurdling screams of a toddler as you are trying to bundle him up to brave the cold air.

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
(Reminds me of Ralphie's little brother, Mikey, of "A Christmas Story")

Thankfully, there have been some days this winter that have been a welcome break from the brutal cold. This one unusually warm day we practiced how to wear sunglasses. (Notice the cellphone hanging from his side pocket. He won't leave the house without it.)

"Yay! I figured out how to wear my sunglasses. Don't I look cool?"

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

AMEN to winters with a toddler being hard in this city! Last winter wasn't so bad, but I've really struggled with this one. Bring on the warm weather, I say!