Thursday, April 2, 2009

On the playful side

Recently, Liam has taken to calling me "honey" instead of "mama", especially when he has done something he knows I will not like. This time it was a little different. Here is two-year old Liam's fun little play on these two words.

Liam: Mama?

Me: Yes, Liam.

L: Oh, Mama!

M: Yes, baby!

L: Honey?

M: (no answer)

L: Honey??!!

M: Yes, honey!

L: Ohhhhh, maaaaaaama!!!!

M: Ohhhhh, baaaaaaby!!!!!

This repartee went on for five times in a row. Funnier still, I tried to initiate the same exchange the next day and he looked at me like I had two heads. He honestly couldn't remember.

Liam, my darling, this is one of many special moments locked away in my heart. Here's to many more!


vdg family said...

I love how sweet Liam is! You are such a good mom! I love that you cherish all the moments.

Lindsay said...

That's funny. Garrett's started calling me both Mama and Lindsay (which sounds like NeeNee). Lately, though, it's evolved into a combo of the two: Mimi. So weird. And cute.

GR82BAMOM said...

Thanks! How sweet of you to say that!

I think you are both really good moms.

Lindsay: How cute that Garrett calls you by your name sometimes. "Mommy" is better, of course, but it's cute that he's really paying attention and actually knows your name.

Koa Mom said...

Hi Martha! How are you doing? I love all the photos of Liam. He is so big now and he's talking. He is becoming so handsome!

Tigan Robinson said...

You are such a sweet heart. Thanks for checking up on us. Blake and I miss our little Brooklyn ward desperately and we were so sad to have leave. Hope everything is going we'll back there. I'm at least, so glad I'll still be able to see all the happenings of your sweet family here on your blog.

Legendary Pink Dot said...

Your little Liam is adorable! I wish we lived near each other and could have play dates!

And yes, you will get a prize from me! I can't say how soon, but I won't forget. :)

I've also been called 'Honey' by Joseph. It's kinda cute. He also thinks he's Joseph Smith, or at least as important!