Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Saying "I love you"

Tonight, Liam said "I love you" for the first time in his life to his daddy.

Liam was monkeying around in our bed as usual when my husband oh so lovingly said, "I love you" to Liam first. Then, Liam just said it right back to him. My husband didn't say anything to me about it afterward, but moments like these do not just slip by a mother. My husband probably thought it was pretty normal since Liam repeats everything. Liam is in fact at the stage where he repeats everything and normally gets it right about 50% of the time. This was the first time though he had actually uttered the words, "I love you".

The feelings that arise from hearing your own flesh and blood utter such words without a doubt evokes true emotion. Liam's first three words were dada, papa, and daddy in that order, so it is not surprising that Liam would say "I love you" to his father before me. I say it to him all the time and wait a second or two to see if he would say it back to me, but nothing. Of course I know that my son loves me. Proof of it is in one of my previous posts. I guess what I am trying to say here is that it touched me in more ways than one. Jealous? Perhaps a little bit, that he didn't say it to me first, but that came just after my initial feelings of love and gratitude for the family God gave me.

This, too, is just one of many tender moments locked away in my heart.

Liam, my precious boy, mommy loves you too!

1 comment:

vdg family said...

There is something that is so endearing when you child says that to you or your spouse for the first time! I love it. When I was at BYU one of the professors said that his family said "I love you" with squeezing each others hands three times or tapping three times. Once when his wife was prego they tapped her tummy where the baby was and it bumped back three times. Love is so amazing!