Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adios amigos!

Liam says goodbye to his friend Sophia.

So far, Liam has said good bye to a handful of nursery "buddies" in the past year or so. There was Kaleigh, Ginger, Ava, Sophia, and Oliver. A couple more toddlers will also be leaving us soon. Nursery is practically all boys now!

Though it is sad (for the adults mostly) to say goodbye to all the friends they have made, everyone eventually turns the page to yet another exciting chapter in their family lives and move away. This is the norm in the Bensonhurst Ward and well, for most of the Church here in NYC. They come, serve diligently, fulfill most, if not all of their educational and career goals here in this wonderful metropolis, and then move on with their lives. Every now and again, only a handful or so grow accustomed to life in NYC, their finances actually allow them to stay and they eventually become homeowners. Others, find their affordable dream homes out of state, as we say.

To those who have left their mark here, we bid them a fond farewell, thank them for their diligent service and wish them the best in their brightly-lit futures. You are truly missed. 'Til we meet again...

1 comment:

RJ said...

Oh my goodness, that is adorable, Martha! I love blogs. I would never ever ever be able to keep in contact with friends like you any other way! You guys are so far and life is so crazy, but I can always catch a little snippet of your life and friendship in a spare minute when they come. Thanks for your kind words on the blog and for remembering us, we'll come back to visit sometime soon (ok so that could be years :) and I know you'll still be there, one of the planted NYC'ers! Kiss Liam for Sophia!