Friday, June 26, 2009

A Wonderful Father

Liam and daddy (March 2007)

This year, Father's Day was celebrated in our home surprisingly without the usual photo ops. My son and I gave my husband his gift before Church. I know I had said humorously that I would give him a household gift along the lines of what I got for Mother's Day, but I thought it best to celebrate the occasion a different way. Instead, we gave him a three-fold gift that recognized, in simple terms, the kind of father that he is: sensible, wild and fun. We bought him an organic cotton golf tee, a Harley Davidson t-shirt, and a Star Wars sticker book for being such a die-hard Star Wars fan. (Okay, I had the t-shirt from way back when I intended on giving it to my brother, but didn't because it was the wrong size.)

A few words on my husband as a father. The only caring father figure my brother and I ever had growing up was our dear, favorite uncle Gonzalo. Then, Bill came into my life. It took getting married and having our son together to truly understand the reverent calling of fatherhood. My husband, Bill, is the most wonderful father to our son.

The way he took care of me while I was pregnant made me realize that he was endowed with fatherly intuition. It was quickly confirmed when he opened up a gift registry for me at Babies R' Us. Not surprisingly, he picked out all the things that I would have picked out. Some things that particularly struck me were the warming container for the baby wipes and the three bathrobes (Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and a plain blue one). Little did we know that our baby boy would well and truly need them (well, not all three bathrobes, exactly).

After Liam was born, Bill was an invaluable support to me as I was learning how to breastfeed. He went out of his way to look for The La Leche League International in Manhattan for breastfeeding advice. He bought me an infant feeding system that enabled me to feed Liam as he was learning how to latch on and nurse properly. Only Bill knew the perfect way to swaddle and burp Liam. After the Bensonhurst Ward's "post-delivery" meals were finished, Bill cooked for me. He did the grocery shopping and he even did the laundry. (Well, he had it sent out, but it still counts.)

What truly amazes me, even to this day, is Bill's way of discerning Liam's cries. He just knows. Two and a half years later I still have to remind him of the obvious: a sweater, extra change of clothes, drinks, snacks and small toys for the diaper bag and in the winter time, the scarf, hat and gloves. Other than that, Liam is always in good hands with his father.

I love how he talks to Liam, so lovingly, like a buddy yet still like a caring father. Just this past Wednesday, he had a full conversation for the first time with his son. (Normally, Liam just repeats the things you say or gives you one or two word answers. This time, he actually came out with a couple of long sentences!) Bill came home from work and asked him if he had gone out. Liam quickly said no and explained that it was raining and wet. Bill and I looked at each other amazed, and then Bill asked him if he wanted to go out with him now that it had stopped raining, to which he quickly answered, yes. (Note to self, I should be extra cautious of how much time I spend on this, that, and the other, as I see the potential of Liam becoming a little stool pigeon.)

No matter how tired Bill is from his duties as "father of the ward", he still gets on the floor to play with Liam whether it be with the cars, a ball or the crayons.

Thank you, my love, for being such a wonderful father and the best husband!

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