Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A couple of scenes for the movie A Couple of Cops were filmed in our neighborhood a few weeks ago. Cables, lights, cameras, etc. It was one huge production for one small scene in the movie.

I saw Tracy Morgan from across the street during the taping of this scene. Later in the evening, I saw Bruce Willis across the street when they were taping a restaurant scene. When they broke for "lunch" (that same evening), I crossed the street to mill around the set and I saw Jason Lee (from NBC's My Name is Earl) as he walked right by me with a plate of food. I have no pictures of the restaurant taping as it was in the evening after dark and no flash photography was allowed. I know, bummer.

Tracy Morgan (comedian/actor) in the driver's seat

If you squint, you might be able to see the silhouette of Bruce Willis' bald head in the front passenger seat.

One of two catering trucks parked in front of our apartment windows by the front entrance to the school where they fed the crew and other actors late that evening. They broke for "lunch" at around 11p.m.

How did we know they were going to film here? We saw these signs posted everywhere along our neighborhood. This one was taped right on our street corner. They film in one location per day, pick up and then move on pretty quickly. One good reference site is Filming in Brooklyn.

A funny moment for us came early in the afternoon. Liam was riding around in his tricycle while the crew was setting up. One of the guys said, "Hey kid, nice bike and all, but you are needed at wardrobe and makeup in like 5 minutes." Very cute!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

You definitely saw more than we did that day. :)