Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Pocono family reunion

'Tis the season for family reunions, and we had ours this summer on July 25th.

The Rodriguez clan, at least those of us that live in the NYC area, actually mostly the cousins, came together for a picnic and some fun in the sun at the Pocono mountains (at the Eagle Lake Community to be exact). We had a blast catching up, barbecuing, swimming in the lake, and playing softball. The children even managed to take a quick dip in the community swimming pool just before it closed.

A few memorable moments:
- My nieces and nephew yelling out, "Tia!" as they saw us pull into the parking lot.
- All the children cheering and crowding around Liam as if he were a rock star.
- Liam in his adorable blue swimming outfit (that Grandma Bette got for him in Australia) bravely getting a little swimming lesson from Daddy in the cold lake.
- Liam attacking the veggie platter: dipping the baby carrots, taking a bite and putting them back on the platter (repeatedly).
- Everyone plopping down their cameras in the front for the group photo. In the end, Bill placed his camera on self-timer, took the group photo, and posted it on Flickr for the family to download. Thanks, honey!
- My 4 yr old nephew, Jared, hitting the ball and then refusing to run towards first base, instead choosing to just stand there with his bat on home plate.
- Yours truly insisting on more chances to hit the ball (total tries = 7).
- Liam driving!!
- All children running around with their glow sticks after dark.

Lots of fun in the sun with good food and a great family! Here's hoping more family will join us next time.

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