Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On the playful side

We had another one of those moments with our son that we will cherish forever.

This short exchange between father and son took place last Sunday at Church as we were leaving:

Liam looked at his daddy square in the eye, pointed at him and said, " 'You Bishop?" to which my husband replied, "Yes, buddy." Then, Liam smiled from ear to ear and scurried off.

My husband and I just smiled and looked at each other shaking our heads. We wondered if it was possible that it just suddenly dawned on him. Surely he must have heard the word "Bishop" or something about his daddy being Bishop in Nursery or maybe he heard someone calling him Bishop somewhere in passing. However it was, Liam suddenly needed confirmation directly from the source. We thought about it for a while during our ride back home.

Maybe he had heard it during fast and testimony meeting. Our friend and member of the high council stood and bore his testimony. Among other things, he also reverently expressed his feelings about my husband as Bishop of the ward (which, by the way, really touched us both). Shortly after he finished and sat back down, one of Liam's friends* sitting beside him turned to Liam and asked him if his daddy was the Bishop. Since Liam is too young to understand (or so we thought), her older brother stepped in and with a cute little grin said, "Yes, he is."

Out of the mouth of babes!

*(MVDG, your children are so precious.)

1 comment:

vdg family said...

Thanks! Liam is so fun! S was calling for him all over church when it was over on Sunday. :)