Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Family fun

I know that it has been some time since I have posted. There is so much going on in my life right now that my head is just full. (Besides that, my husband has been working on our computers for almost two months now backing stuff up and making upgrades, so it has been a challenge getting easy access to my files and the internet.) I will try my best to catch up on my posts.

We had quite a lot of snow this winter which has meant a lot of family fun in the snow. This last snowfall we had the opportunity to try sledding (with a borrowed sled from Bro Herrera). It was a first for Liam and me. Since my boy is still so little, I decided that it would be safer to find a small slope somewhere nearby instead of heading all the way out to the only one grand slope in our neighborhood which is a bit of a hike, or making the longer trek out to the frequented snowy hills of Prospect Park.

We practiced on a small mound, a snow drift nearby, to figure out the sled. When we saw how much Liam enjoyed it, we decided to walk a bit further, closer to the shore by a small but steep area. So there we were, all alone in that area on a bright, sunny day making footprints on untouched snow. Just beautiful, cold, but so beautiful.

These are some pics we took. So much fun!

First, we had to dig out our car. (We actually walked past it.)

These were the tools we used.

Liam on a practice slope.

He protested all the way home.

 Don't worry, my sweet boy, we will go sledding again next winter for sure.

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