Friday, July 16, 2010

Air racing

On that hot and muggy Saturday before Father's Day, I tagged along with my two guys to what appeared to be a Father/Son activity, the Red Bull Air Race World Championship at Liberty State Park (in New Jersey). We took the Liberty Island ferry and hurried to take our places at the park. It was not the best place to be on this particular day unless you were sporting a swimsuit under an umbrella, slathered up in sunscreen while holding an ice cold drink. It got crowded quickly and the crowds started to push in. Oh, boy, was it hot and muggy! Anyway, all I wanted was for my boys to have a good time enjoying the air race and to take a few pics of them in the process.

For those of you unfamiliar with this air race, it is a televised, international competition involving planes flying through an obstacle course at astonishing great speeds. They navigate through the "air gates" sideways making sharp turns on their way to the next gate. They are also rated on the plume of smoke behind them, whether it leaves a straight line and even how much smoke is used. One guy got penalty points for not having enough smoke. (Picture me rolling my eyes now.) It is quite the spectacle though and I do admit to having fun. It was the first time this race has been held in New York and it was the halfway mark of the whole competition. That weekend, Great Britain ended up winning that leg of the race and gaining enough points to advance. The next race is in Germany.

Hope you had a great Father's Day weekend, babe.

Liam gets to reenact the race at home every chance he gets, lucky kid, since his doting father gave in and bought him a pricey toy airplane complete with 2 pylons. The toy airplane is now missing a wheel, of course.

(By the way, I had a great title for this blog, but for the life of me, I can't remember it. I should not have taken this long to make this post, but yet again, I was waiting for some photos that my husband took with his professional camera. I can hardly blame him though. We have been so busy around here that we never got around to sifting through the shots he took that day. I have said this before and I will say it again, I am pretty sure I lost part of my brain when I gave birth to Liam. Darn, it was such a fun title. Oh well....)

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