Thursday, August 26, 2010

R Scarry

We love the Richard Scarry books. Imagine our delight when we came across this little ride at a children's toy store. Liam, upon recognizing it, immediately ran to it. How fun! People, clearly unfamiliar with these fun books, looked at us like we were overly excited about nothing. My little boy's face shows just how pleased he was to come across the famous little worm. I highly recommend this entertaining little book and it's small enough to fit in the Church bag*.

*We have a bag of goodies that have been using to keep our little boy entertained during Sacrament Meeting, (the first hour of Church). Our bag currently includes: granola bars, raisins, cheddar bunny crackers, water bottle, sometimes fresh fruit or a raw almond butter and apple butter sandwich, one or two small toys, a couple of small books, crayons and colored pencils, a stencil, notebook, and the latest addition is a very cool, handmade chalkboard mat by a very cool friend.


Lindsay said...

I'm so glad you like the chalkboard mat!

vdg family said...

How fun! Yay Richard Scarry and chalkboard mats!