Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Take me out...

...to the ball game... A minor league game, but nevertheless, a baseball game played by professional athletes. Last night, we went to see the Brooklyn Cyclones play the Hudson Valley Renegades at Coney Island courtesy of one of my husband's Park Slope friends who has season tickets.

Yes! We were THAT close! Right behind home plate! Yippee!

We stuffed our faces with all sorts of ballpark food and even had room for the Cracker Jack.

It was "Medieval Times" Night at the ballpark.

It takes a really special daddy to go along with the fun and wear the paper crown, for Liam's sake, of course.

We even got our cheeks painted. Liam was a little spooked by the clown (who isn't afraid of clowns when they are THIS close?), but he was brave and stood perfectly still. I can't imagine though, what must have been going through Liam's mind as he stared at this clown painting his little cheek. 

Liam got a baseball and I went the Brooklyn Cyclones logo. How silly of me, I know, but I guess I'm hoping Liam will see me as a cool mommy.

At bat is Burt Reynolds, but not the one you are thinking. I guess this man's mama was a huge fan of the actor.

Every time he was up, they put up a different picture of the actor Burt Reynolds on the board. Hilarious!

Liam with the team mascot. Don't you just love that they are wearing the same sneakers?

One last pic before heading home. It was getting late and the Cyclones were losing anyway. You can't blame them, though. You should have seen the size of those Renegades.

Even though we have moved out of Brooklyn, we always seem to find an excuse to go back. With fun like this to be had, who could resist? All in all, though, we had a fun night! Thanks to the generosity of friends. 

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