Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baking success

While baking expert friends will yawn at this post, it is here because I feel pretty darn good about this latest baking experience. I baked Banana Walnut Muffins..... from scratch. Like I said previously, I said I would and I did it. I am happy to report that I followed my friend's famous recipe with one small exception, I added a quarter cup of chopped walnuts. I did call her mother (another baking genius) with a couple of questions relating to the eggs as to whether they should be room temperature or not. I asked her a few other relatively dumb questions which I will not write here so as to not embarrass myself.

I set out all the ingredients, bowls, pans, utensils and then..... walked in and out of the kitchen several times before taking a deep breath, rolling up my sleeves, and just doing it. I wasn't sure whether to fill them up all the way or two-thirds like I would making cupcakes. The next time I think I will fill them up almost all the way for the nice mound on top. I made a tray of minis for Liam*. As you can see from the picture below, only three were left. Huge hit! I'm so happy that I chose this recipe as my first try at baking something from scratch. Special thanks to my friend Kelly for the recipe and to her mom for the pep talk! It was a pleasant experience overall, and I will definitely be baking more, especially now that I have better lighting in the kitchen.

*After scarfing down his seventh mini muffin, Liam finally discovered the walnuts, much to his disappointment. Still, he ran back for more minis. They're just that good!


Kelly said...

YAY!! I completely understand how hard baking can be, considering all the silly mistakes I've been making lately! haha! I'm glad they were such a hit! And congrats on successfully baking something yummy!!

vdg family said...

Yum! Kelly is a superior baker/cook, that is true. I am so glad to see a bit of your glorious kitchen (I'm jealous--the good kind). :D

Lindsay said...

Hooray! Good job! When you're feeling up to trying more muffin recipes, let me know. I love muffins and have lots of good recipes up my sleeve. :)

Bates Blogger said...

The muffins look so yummy! I'm glad to have found your blog!