Thursday, February 3, 2011

Juno at FAO

I have mentioned before that we love Juno Baby around here. We were thrilled when the company announced that their merchandise is now being sold at the world famous FAO Schwarz! We went for the opening and their special puppet show back in September. (We loved it so much we went again the following Saturday.)

It seemed like we were the only ones "ooh-ing" and "ah-ing" at the displays in that crowded store until we made it to the second floor to view the show. We were greeted by the original puppets from the DVDs and a large gathering waiting to see the show. I think I might have been more excited than little Liam. The actual show was sort of an introduction to Juno Baby's new line for preschoolers called Juno Jr. My absolute favorite part of the show, was the rendition of their new hit song, "Tweet." Shoppers and store workers were drawn to the show when they heard that piece. It's that sweet. You only have to listen to it once and you're hooked. Beautiful!

Can't wait to get my hands on the new Juno Jr. DVDs and CD. We have all the rest of their Juno Baby merchandise. How? Just lucky, I guess. We actually won a couple of giveaways. Plus, we got a consolation prize for the contest we entered back in the summer. It included DVDs, CDs, plush toys, magnets (not sold), and a nice navy canvas tote. The second giveaway (that we won just this year) with the Juno Jr. DVDs should arrive here in a couple of weeks. Yippee!

Holding hands with Juno herself.

Second floor
Nice bird's eye view

 By main entrance

 Window displays

Meeting some of the Juno Baby puppets and puppeteers

Meet Murphy, Liam's favorite

 Of course, we can never leave without catching this favorite FAO Schwarz show
 "Playing" the big piano
Walking in Manhattan while holding hands with mama
(Two of my favorite things to do in the whole world!)

 Saying hello to the people on the double decker tour bus

Checking out the artwork of a street vendor and wishing we could buy one of each.

 Taking in some of the sights and sounds. 
Here he is just mesmerized by the drumming. 
(He's the son of a drummer, after all.)

 You never know who you're going to bump into in the NYC subway!

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