Friday, March 4, 2011

karate kid


My little man is a karate kid. One day while we were exploring the surrounding neighborhoods, we came across a great-looking karate school. They were in the middle of a class and it could be viewed from the windows outside. Liam showed great interest, so we inquired within. After informing us of all the particulars, we decided to do the trial class. The photos below tell the story of his very first class. (Note: The photos with him in the baseball pajamas were taken in January when he was still having "wardrobe" issues.)

After much deliberation we decided to join, mainly as an outlet for all his energy. Other parents enroll their children or sign up themselves for various other reasons: bullying (for the bully or the one on the receiving end), shyness, obedience issues, weight loss, general fitness and of course for self defense (teens and adults).

He started out in the cubs class which is mostly "athletics." His uniform was included, and let's just say, it pretty much cured his wardrobe issues. He got three belts in less than two months which sounds impressive until you learn that it's all according to the age. When we signed Liam up, he was given an orange belt because he was still three. The following week, he turned four, so he was given a purple one. Then, quite suddenly, the cubs class was suspended, so now that meant that Liam had to go into the older kids class. Now he dons a white belt. The stripes on the white belt are earned as he progresses in skill. I don't know how it is in other schools, but that's the belt system at this school.

I do appreciate that they remind the children every class that they can only do karate in class and not on each other outside, at home or on their dog, etc. They also enforce the obvious: do your best, work hard, don't give up, eat well, get plenty of rest, be disciplined and responsible. Sometimes I'm not sure if Liam is getting it, but then I see him nodding and repeating it all, so I guess some of it is starting to sink in. He is the youngest and therefore the smallest in the class, but he is doing a good job of keeping up. He's happy, eager to learn and from what I have noticed, he is quite the social butterfly.


I just love this last photo! His expression says it all!

1 comment:

Raegan said...

These pictures are so cute! I hope he has fun at his new class!