Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On the playful side

One night when I was around eight months pregnant or so, I decided I wanted to turn over from lying on my left to the right. No easy task, but after all the grunting as I swung around and the re-adjusting of my pillow, I finally settled into a somewhat comfortable position. After a long period of stillness, this happened:

Bill: Could you please lay still, honey. I was finally drifting off to sleep.

Me: I am lying still.

Bill: No, you just bumped me.

Me: It wasn't me. It was the baby.

Bill: Was not!

Me: (Laughing on the inside)

Me: He was kicking your butt!

This last comment, of course, was followed by a burst of laughter from Bill and me.


Lindsay said...

So fun, Martha! Thanks for sharing your blog with me! I look forward to getting to know you more through what you share on it. :)

GR82BAMOM said...

Thank you, Lindsay, for taking the time to read it.

cherry said...

Hey martha, i'm so glad i found your blog through lindsay's blog(actually, she's very nice). will look forward to reading more of your thoughts and ideas on motherhood and more...

GR82BAMOM said...

Thanks, Cherry. I love all the fun, family photos you post on your blog. Thanks for reading and commenting. :)