Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What is up with this blog?

For those wondering what is up with this blog, I am still here and still unsure of how to proceed. Sigh. I love the idea of blogging, and I am in awe of some great bloggers out there. I do feel the need to post, and I have some great ideas rolling around in my head, but I always seem to encounter stumbling blocks. I had envisioned a slide presentation with photos of my Liam in hopes of somehow catching up to present day. This idea, however, has some challenges. My hand-me-down point and shoot camera from my husband has finally broken down, and THE one and only camera is the one that my husband bought for himself that of course only HE knows how to use. So the challenge has been in the downloading of the photos. Only HE knows where they are stored and how to convert them to easy jpeg files for posting. So until he graces me with the time of day in which he can actually sit with me and show me where in the world he archived the photos of our son, I feel like my hands are tied. Maybe I should just get a camera of my own? Yes, he got me a pink Sanyo point and shoot camera for Christmas that takes two double A batteries. I used it on my last day of our Australian family vacation in December '08. I get the feeling I will have to buy batteries in bulk or opt for the rechargeable ones, as the batteries in the camera now are already dead. Anyway, in the meantime, I guess I will just have to post a few entries sans the photos. Otherwise, I just might have to can the whole idea of ever having a blog.


Lindsay said...

I know it's your blog and you can what you want with it, but if it's hindering you, why not scrap catching up to the present day? Why not just start with now and continue forward. If you want to back track on a post here and there, go for it, but if it's too overwhelming to start at the very beginning, then don't. That's one of the fun things about blogs -- you get a peek into the every day lives of every day people.

Also, pictures? Great if you have them. Great if you don't. I'd been writing on my blog for about 6 months before we bought a camera, and even then I didn't post too many pictures until Garrett was born. I mean, yeah, pictures are fun, but I'll read your blog whether you have them or not.

Anyway, my two cents. And I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

GR82BAMOM said...

Thank you, Lindsay. I value your opinion greatly. I'll take you up on your suggestion. Thanks again. :)

Wilson Family said...

Hey Martha! I felt the same way when I started blogging. I decided to do what your friend suggested and started to blog from now and continued forward. Still, I also started to "backblog"(is that a word?) and I simply changed the date from say, today, to the exact day that the event occurred. The only problem with this is that your friends will not know that you posted a new post, in that case, I just mention it in a new post, so people know that there is new stuff but with a past date. Anyway, I hope I'm not confusing you. The reason I did this was because I eventually want to print my blog on a book and I wanted to have exact dates from events so I could always remember when things happened exactly. So far, I have gotten as far as the birth of my second boy. I am trying to catch up and go back way when we got married (2002). I might have to start another blog about our lives before kids...I'll have to see about this..
Anyway, just a thought :)

Cynthia W.
PS--Do NOT stop blogging whatever you do :)