Monday, March 9, 2009

Haircuts for my boys

(March, 2009)

My darling husband has been begging me for weeks to cut his hair. He loves it when I do, I on the other hand don't really enjoy the task and let me explain why. He has SO much hair! This man will never go bald. He will go gray eventually, maybe even white, but never bald. I mean, his head is so densely populated it takes me a couple of hours at least to cut his hair, even longer when Liam gets in the way. It takes a professional stylist a whole hour and now I know why. The clippers will just not go through and it clogs up on the first try, so I have to cut his hair first with regular beautician's scissors. I happen to own a really good pair. I must say though that his hair is very forgiving. There is so much hair that any mistakes (and there are plenty I'm sure) go relatively unnoticed, that is, until his hair starts growing out and that's when I can see all the unevenness. So, after trimming it down on the sides, around the ears and back, I get to work at the top and the front. Then, I "blend" it in with the clippers with the different sized guides around the ears and basically all over. The end result: short with a flat at the top, just the way he likes it. I secretly laughed as I looked at his head since it reminded me of a brush. I thought, okay, next time I need a scrub brush, I'll just grab his head and start scrubbing.

Then, it was my darling son's turn. Liam's hair, well, it was just begging to be cut or at least trimmed. It was getting kind of long over his eyes and wouldn't stay combed to the side unless I put some gel or mousse on it (which I am not about to start doing). It really couldn't wait any longer. Cutting this little angel's hair is no easy task either since he is not exactly a little angel sitting perfectly still for his haircut. He is a real fidgety two-year old and I get nervous around him holding a pair of scissors. Last time Bill had to hold on to him and he screamed bloody murder throughout the whole sitting. This time around I prepared him way in advance for the experience by explaining the process to him. It also helped a lot that he got to see his father getting his hair cut, so he sat willingly on his high chair. Since he was born, his hair has been cut or trimmed a grand total of three times: a short trim by my mother last year in May (to get his hair away from his eyes), a complete buzz cut in mid August, and now another cut just this past weekend. Call me crazy, but I like his hair long. It curls up when it's long in the back and sides and looks adorable (as evidenced in this next sweet photo taken last year).

(August, 2008)

Late last summer, I gave in to Bill's request and I buzzed it down really short. I almost cried. For weeks after that haircut, I massaged his scalp at every bath time to stimulate his hair growth. Poor kid, he would just sit there in the bath and complain, "Mama! No!"

(August, 2008)

This time, I decided that I would just trim about an inch lengthwise. I rounded up some toys, sang some songs along the way, and snipped a little here and there. I thought, okay, so far so good; this isn't too bad. Then I needed to cut the front. He moved around quite a lot, and understandably so. I was intruding his play space. So, that front part didn't turn out too good. I will just have to wait a little bit and even it out later. Overall, my husband and I were pleased with the end result.



My sweet, handsome boys! I'll cut your hair anytime!

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