Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Liam's very own bird's nest

What exactly is this??

Believe it or not, it is the back of Liam's head.

It is hard to believe that such a cute child wakes up most mornings looking like this. (I think this picture speaks volumes.) This one particular morning it looked so bad that I just had to take a picture of it.

I cannot even begin to explain to you just how active this boy really is every waking moment. Well, he is also quite active during his evening slumber. After his evening bath, I comb out his hair, but he still wakes up with a bird's nest hanging from the back of his cute head. Believe me when I say that it takes nothing short of a miracle to smooth his hair down. Forget about getting the comb and some kind of conditioner. No. He runs away screaming, of course. I know I would do the same.

Here he is giving me that "you're not coming after me with a comb" look.

I have to untangle that hairy mess with my fingers while he is not looking and is completely distracted. I go over to him and start talking to him, stroke his head and secretly start working at it. When he feels the pulling, I stop and wait a while, and then resume the grooming. Then, voila! The ugly monster on the back of his head is tamed.

Here he is nicely combed and waiting for the children to come out of St. Anselm's School (just across the street from our building).

I know, I know... give the poor child a real haircut. But I like his long hair!!

Sorry, my boy.


Lindsay said...

That is the exact reason why my mom kept my hair cut short while I was growing up. I've basically had the same cut my whole life. (Guess I don't like the tangles as much as she didn't.)

Kelly said...

That is exactly why I bathe Kaity and Abby in the morning! I go through an entire bottle of conditioner a week.

cherry said...

The first picture was very funny...hehehe...i had the same problem with my daughters when they were younger...and the same look actually that's why i laughed..