Friday, May 1, 2009

Pasta Lovers Paradise..... Costco! My lovely little toddler loves pasta in pretty much any way, shape or form. To satisfy his craving for the boring mac n' cheese, we buy a variety of frozen pasta at our local Costco. We pick up jumbo-sized bags of ravioli stuffed with mozzarella and spinach, 4-cheese ravioli, tortellini, and stuffed shells. It's a good thing I gave in to my husband's crazy idea of buying a chest freezer which we not-so-"proudly" display in our living room. (There is no room for it in our 4'x8' sized kitchen.)

On this one particular trip, my son decided to take along every one of his toys that we normally keep in the car. And just in case he doesn't like the samples of the day, he holds on to his goldfish and water bottle. (While he has his hands full, I have my hands full with him.) Got to love those Spiderman sunglasses!

Notice the rest of his Costco staples:
granola bars, animal crackers
and the blessed goldfish.

Who doesn't love those Costco samples?!

Here is how he eats his Costco pasta:

Ravioli (triangles stuffed with mozzarella and spinach)
  • follow instructions on bag (go very light on the Parmesan mix or substitute with a light sprinkling of regular Parmesan cheese) or
  • top with favorite pasta sauce and cooked salmon chunks, also available at Costco (Note: He only eats tiny little bits of the salmon mixed in with the sauce.)

4-cheese Ravioli
  • Lightly toss cooked ravioli with olive oil and basil or
  • Pour pasta sauce or Bolognase on top of cooked ravioli

  • Lightly toss cooked tortellini with butter

Stuffed shells
  • Bake in the oven with favorite pasta sauce

1 comment:

cherry said...

Alan loves samples...hehehehe