Friday, May 1, 2009

Works every time!

One of the tools I have been using lately to calm down this little bundle of energy is my trusty little I-pod Nano. It was a birthday gift from my husband when I was pregnant. I have a special playlist on there called Liam's lullabies, mostly containing LDS Primary songs in lullaby form. I also have classical music and what we call, fun music for him ("I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, "Sweet Escape" by Gwen Stefani, and "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts among others). If I need him to take a nap in the car, I hook it up to my car stereo, play the lullaby playlist and bingo! -he falls fast asleep. If he is crying because we are stuck in traffic somewhere on the freeway and he gets this crazy idea into his head that wants to be let out, in goes the I-pod into the car stereo again. If worse comes to worst, I "lend" my I-pod to him, as evidenced in the following photos taken on Easter Sunday (driving to Abuelita's house).

Oh, how sweet it is!


Legendary Pink Dot said...

That is so cute! Joseph has a playlist on my MP3 player, too! I've got to get the Primary songs in lullaby, that's a great idea.

BTW, what color scarf would you like? :)

vdg family said...

Liam is soooo cute! I love the suit!