Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Boys will be boys

A few weeks ago, we went to check out the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7), that was docked just walking distance from the USS Intrepid. I can't and won't even attempt to describe all the different kinds of weaponry, military vessels, and aircraft that is carried by this tremendous ship. It's a guy thing. My boys certainly had fun checking everything out. Liam especially enjoyed the trucks, helicopters, and the fighter jet.

All I can say is that the carrier is intimidatingly big and kind of scary, but I'm grateful for our military forces that are out there every day in harm's way to protect and serve. I am glad we had the chance to express the same to the military personnel that we met along the way. Afterall, that is the whole reason for having Memorial Day.


Emily said...

You look super-cute in these pictures, btw.

GR82BAMOM said...

Yay!! Thanks, Emily!!