Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cheers, mate!

We all know the Brits, Aussies and Kiwis say "cheers" to say thank you, while here in America, "cheers" is what most of us say when we are toasting. Well, Liam picked up on it (I am not sure how). Now he loves saying "cheers" followed by the customary raising and touching glasses. We do find it quite endearing. A couple of months ago (and all on his own) he took it a step further. He now does "cheers" with just about anything and everything. He wants to do cheers with our cereal bowls, forks and spoons, any chunk of food in his hands, also socks, shoes, pants, bare feet... you name it, and he will want to do "cheers" with it. In the bathroom, he even wants to do "cheers" with our toothbrushes. Now, THAT'S where I draw the line and say NO!

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