Friday, August 7, 2009

Rolling! Again.....

Filming in our neighborhood continued last Wednesday. This time around it was at a local watering hole in the afternoon and then a posh, little house not far from there that evening. Later, I was told they would continue filming well into the night at a warehouse or pier or something, also here in Brooklyn. Same movie and actors, only it was too hot, humid and uncomfortable for us to stick around for the actual filming in the afternoon. This photo was taken as the crew was setting up for the bar scene.

He is still all smiles even in this sweltering heat! He really enjoyed looking at all the dozen or so trucks with everything from lighting equipment to the stars' grooming essentials. It took a little coaxing to get Liam away from the area, but I finally got my little "star" home and he napped peacefully with the air-conditioning at full force.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

We watched them setting up as we walked past on our way to and from story time at the library. But yeah, it was way too hot to stick around to see anything more than that. We needed to get home to our ice cold popsicles, stat.