Friday, August 28, 2009

A new road ahead

Liam has no more need to loudly comment each time we drive down the bumpy street that leads to home, sweet, home. He would always say, "Whoa!" and with good reason. You would think I was talking about some old country road*. Well, it certainly felt like we were driving through one. All we needed was a wheat stem hanging from the corner of our mouths and dirt kicking up behind us.

Yesterday, the city finally came around to repaving our street, but not without Liam supervising the work, of course. (Thankfully, we missed the extremely loud removal of the old asphalt while we were away at Sesame Place.) To say that he was excited about it is an understatement. He could not keep his eyes off of all the busy construction trucks going up and down our street. He kept pointing at every truck and asking, "What's that?" The construction crew certainly got a kick over seeing Liam waving his arms frantically every time some sort of truck rolled by. He was in heaven looking at all the action.

Make no mistake, it is a big production that attracts spectators, including my two-year old baby boy.

* "The old country road" is the nickname I have given to the BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway). It has got to be the worse stretch of freeway I have ever driven on, and as long as I can remember, it is always under repair.

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