Saturday, September 12, 2009

Liam's "letter"

Liam received his first "letter" a couple of weeks ago from a 4-yr old girl in our building who lovingly calls him by his given name, William. It was a drawing that she had placed in a sealed envelope and tried to slip under our door. My husband found it when he came home one night. He came in saying, "Wow, it looks like our little Liam has got himself a girlfriend!" I "helped" him to open it and tried to explain to him what it was and who had given it to him. One would have thought by all his smiling and all the "wowing" that he got it, but we are not too sure that it really registered for him. In any case, my husband got footage of it on the video cam and I took a picture of the famous "letter".

Liam showed interest in the drawing for all of maybe five seconds before running off to play with his cars. Yep, boys will be boys!

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