Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our little helper

Who doesn't appreciate a little help every now and then, right? Well, for some months now, Liam has shown a huge interest in helping out around our home.

All day long I hear: "I do it!" "I try!" "Mama, see me!"
My favorite is: "Like this!" "Mama, show you!"

He will:
  • help to make the bed
  • put his clothes in the hamper
  • sometimes get his diapering supplies ("el pamper, la crema, los wipees")
  • try really hard to dress himself
  • make his own breakfast (okay, his own oatmeal, with mommy's help of course)
  • turn the TV off
  • vacuum, taking turns with mommy
  • "scrub" the (already clean) bathtub
  • pick up his toys all the while singing "clean up!"
  • "help" Daddy with repair work (he pulls out his toy tool set)
  • load and unload the washers and dryers
  • load up and push the grocery cart
  • push his own stroller
  • carry some of the groceries into our apartment
  • fetch everyone's slippers (his own idea)
  • wash (sort of) and dry dishes
  • throw the garbage bag down the chute
  • take the recycling down to the basement
  • he really wants to "drive" us around for a change (okay, maybe this one doesn't count, just yet)

He is especially good at drying the dishes. His method: He first puts the dishtowel over his shoulder. Then, he slowly and carefully drapes it over the bowl and then "dries" the inside by shoving as much of the dishtowel as he can inside the bowl. Then, he even puts it away on the shelf.

Of course, it takes me twice or three times as longer to get anything done around here, but he's eagerly learning and that makes us happy.

Daddy and I are sure glad he's making himself useful. Hopefully, he will still be just as eager to help around when he's older.


RJ said...

That's awesome, I loved reading these. It is so amazing how much harder it is to let Sophia help, yet it is amazing how much it helps our relationship when I do it without impatience. Reading your list motivated me even more! Oh and thanks for being so thoughtful to pass on the link about the online menu planner/ad finder - I am pretty far from most stores out here, but I just may try it anyway! Give Brooklyn a hug for me!

vdg family said...

Yay Martha! You are such a good mom to have Liam help you.