Monday, October 12, 2009

Fun learning

Liam thinks he is ready for school. He never leaves home without his trusty little blue backpack (that we got him when we went to Australia last December). Here he is disappointed that the door with the cute welcome sign is locked. Locked?! How can this be??

Here he is happy to wait around for the children to be let out from school for the day. Then, he joins them on the line and marches right beside them occasionally making "conversation".

Learning to brush his teeth on his own

Learning to dress himself
(He comes running to tell me that he is well and truly "stuck!")

Liam can hardly contain his excitement every time he discovers something new or learns to do something all on his own. He comes running to us saying, "I did it!" Without a doubt, it is twice as exciting for us as his parents. At the moment he is fascinated with the idea of learning how to tie his shoelaces. Of course, he is way too young to know how, but he reeeaaaly wants to learn.

At two years, eight months, three weeks and four days old, I just wish he was this eager to learn how to go potty.

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