Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"ice cripees"

On Sunday, before Liam's sickness kicked into full gear and while spirits were still high, I decided it would be a good time to grant a wish for my little boy. We have on occasion seen a commercial on tv of children making treats out of breakfast cereal. You get the picture. Liam would always say, "buy some, mama." So, I bought the ingredients one day without letting him know. When I pulled out the box of cereal on Sunday afternoon, he grabbed it and did a little dance in sheer delight at the prospect of making a treat like the "ninos in the tv"*. So, Liam and I, for the first time in our lives, made Rice Krispie Treats. Yawn if you will, but it was a first for the two of us. More importantly, we had a fun and memorable time.

Don't you worry, my boy. Mama will soon overcome her fear of baking and make lots of scrumptious treats for you and daddy to devour. Maybe all mama needs is a bigger kitchen?

The second n in ninos has a "tilde" (you know, the squiggly line on top of the n) , but I can't seem to figure out how to do any of the Spanish accents on this laptop.


Lindsay said...

Mmmm...rice krispie treats. We like to put colored sprinkles on top of ours.

And seriously, Martha, if you ever want to come over and bake with me, please do! I'm getting all geared up to do some post-Thanksgiving holiday baking.

GR82BAMOM said...

Absolutely! Just let me know when and what you need. Can't wait!

vdg family said...

Yum! Sounds like you had a fun time! We missed our drive-to-church conversations. Hope he's feeling all better right away!