Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Letting go of a favorite Holiday

Liam can't believe it's all over, as in the Christmas season is well and truly over. He still wakes up in the morning sometimes saying Happy New Year. It was the first time he had been able to somewhat understand Christmas and the whole gift-giving concept. He kept saying, "Oh, mama! This tree is so beautiful!" We will never forget the elated expression on his face when we first lit up that tree. So, to say he had a pretty hard time letting go of our Christmas tree, especially the Nativity, is to put it mildly. After all, he had helped set everything up. When it came time to taking it all down last week, he was one truly sad little boy. Surprisingly though, it was not manifested through one of his famous tantrums, but it was met with a couple of silent tears streaming down his cheeks.

"But mama! It's Liam's tree! And baby Jesus, Jesus mama and Jophes!"

So, I had to give him a run down of all the upcoming holidays this year from Valentine's Day, to all of our birthdays, to our plans for the summer, all the way to next Christmas season. He was surprisingly quiet for a while, but all the same he helped me put everything away in bags and boxes. Liam wouldn't be Liam, of course, if he didn't try to pull a fast one by taking the Nativity over to his toys, but I informed him that we need to keep all the Christmas stuff together. He reluctantly surrendered the Nativity and put it away with all the other Christmas gear to bring down to the basement for storage.

Just when I thought he had finally accepted the change, I come out of the kitchen with our afternoon snacks only to find the tree back up, the Nativity in its place, and Liam struggling with the little lights. Maybe the thought of the sweet baby Jesus and his beloved Christmas decorations down in that basement was not a thought he was willing to entertain in his little head. I guess it is a frightful thought for a child his age, but more unfathomable is the thought of the Nativity rolling around in his toy box or on the floor as it would inevitably would be. Some things have to be kept sacred. After some coaxing, he once again helped me put everything away, just as before.

Don't worry, my boy, Christmastime will come around again real soon. You are growing up so fast, my love. For now, just let us enjoy YOU and your wonderful little self.

Our disco-ball Christmas tree and "Liam's" Nativity

Over-sized "disco" balls and small disco ball keychains
adorning our little tree

This little boy can't seem to give me one of his heart-warming smiles in time for the camera. So, this will do.
(Mama still loves it!)

Liam reeeaaaly wanted to wear the Christmas stockings at "Welita's house".
Where is the baby Jesus? He is sitting on his lap.


Oh yeah, it's going to be a fun 2010.

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