Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where is that boy?

We got to Church one Sunday and as soon as he was rid of his coat and winter gear, he took off running as usual, but this time with his little friend. I was juggling coats, hats, scarves, gloves and over-stuffed diaper bag (that pretty much weighs like another small child) and I saw the general direction he was running to, but when I looked up again they had disappeared. I walked halfway around the Church building and realized they weren't there, so I peeked into the Cultural Hall. Sure enough, there they were, still holding hands, looking at the Christmas tree. I went in quietly just as he was saying, "Oh! It's SO beautiful!" I thought, poor kid. He would have been blown away had he seen the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Sadly, we didn't get the chance to go this year because he was sick with a recurring cold.

Next year, baby boy, just you wait and see.

I think this picture speaks volumes. Don't you?


Kelly said...


vdg family said...

S talks about Liam a lot! They are such good friends.