Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A moment with my son

One day on our way back from running errands, Liam stopped short as we were about to open the front door to the building. He said, "Mama, take a picture of me." Only to happy to oblige, I did just that. Then, he said, "Okay, now Liam and Mama." Even though I wasn't particularly looking my best (no makeup), once again, I filled his request.

Earlier that day, he looked up at me and asked me, only knowing too well what my answer would be, "Mama, do you love me?" to which I responded, "Of course, I love you my sweet baby boy! Do you love me?" I already know the answer to my own question, too. He more than enthusiastically  replied, "Of course I love you, Mama!" accompanied by a huge, tight, hug that seemed to last forever. Sheer bliss. For a brief moment I thought my heart had skipped a beat.

Since then we have had several wonderful moments just like this one, with Daddy, too. He is so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand keeping my emotions inside sometimes. I just had to make a post of it. Please indulge me while I marvel at my son's sweetness.

Oh, how I love you my precious little boy!

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