Friday, April 16, 2010

My Way

If your son decided to take up the bagpipes, where would he practice? In front of the house? Apparently so. One day, as we were walking home from the supermarket, we heard someone playing the bagpipes. We followed the music and ended up here on this quiet street. This young man (seen here sporting a Cincinnati Reds baseball cap.....what?) is sixteen and was taught by a police officer that mentors him. I thought, what teenager suddenly decides, "Hmm, I think I'll take up the bagpipes." I guess he really wants to set himself apart and do things his way. In any case, I thought it was pretty cool. Liam, though, thought it was too loud and kept yelling at the teen to "play softer". (Sorry, Liam. You can't have it your way this time. I just don't think it quite works that way.)

The sound of bagpipes is not a novelty in this neighborhood. We often hear them at some weddings and funerals at the nearby Catholic church. Just this past Monday, there was a funeral in the morning and once again, there were bagpipes. At the end of the funeral though, as the casket was being carried over to the hearse, there was a solo trumpeter playing, none other than, Frank Sinatra's "My Way". (So sorry, no pic.) The bagpiper? He once again sounded the bagpipes as the hearse drove away.

Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace" and a trumpet playing Sinatra's "My Way"..... I guess, the deceased was part Irish and Italian. I guess some people want things the way the want them.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

We've seen that teenage bagpiper playing on his porch, too. I love walking down that street when he's out playing.