Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big changes

My husband and I have experienced major changes in our lives in the past five years. In my opinion, that is a relatively short time for such monumental changes. These, of course, fall into the category of changes for the good:

Marriage, my moving to Brooklyn, a wonderful pregnancy, a baby, my husband being ordained and set apart as Bishop, the purchase of our house, working hard on said house to make it move-in ready, packing and preparing for the big move, and lastly, my husband being released as Bishop. This last one just happened at Church today.

Coming home after having been released as Bishop

I'm happy and sad. It's kind of hard to put it into words. Our hearts are full with love and gratitude for the many blessings we have received and for our stronger testimony of Jesus Christ and His Church.

We are experiencing a myriad of mixed emotions right now, happy and sad. Liam knows that something is up. He hates all the packing and will unpack every chance he gets. My husband is very excited about the house and is doing the best that he can to fix it up nicely for us. We have been working hard to get it move-in ready and we come home exhausted. We love the new neighborhood, but every time we drive back and circle our current neighborhood looking for parking, we can't help but point out all the cool stuff we will be missing out on. But I will leave that for another post, IF I can get to it. Too busy packing!

I do hope that our Brooklyn peeps will not feel that it is too far for a visit. I expect them to come visit as often as possible. Who knows? Maybe they will like it and decide to follow us? One can only wish.

This kind of change is good. The time has come for us to finally own a house with a backyard and all. It's a dream come true for us. Yes, change is good.

Liam and his friends on our ride to Church

 Our dear, patient friend as the chauffeur

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