Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's great to be a mother

I thought Mother's Day came and went rather quickly. We have been so busy driving to and from our new house to really take notice of anything else. We did find an alternate route which we like to call the scenic route that mostly takes us through parkways instead of the expressways (where the roads are rougher because of the damage made by all the trucks). We get water views and drive past tree-lined neighborhoods where we can get fresh(er) air and can actually listen to the birds chirping.

My husband has been working so hard on the house that he hasn't had much time to himself. His shopping has mostly consisted of trips to the Home Depot. Since we made the largest purchase of our lives, I was totally not expecting any gifts. (I guess there won't be any, at least store-bought, for a very long time. This just means we will have to be creative and actually make something ourselves. That should be fun!) He did get me a card and wrote the most wonderful things and he got me a scented candle which I light up in the house when we move in. Also, at my mother's apartment, I got the rare opportunity to try to take a little bit of a snooze. I don't think I actually slept since I think I may have forgotten how to take a nap. I just closed my eyes for a while and tried to keep very still on my mother's massage table. I think I did come close to drifting off, but alas Liam came into the bedroom for like the fifth time finally announcing that it was time for me to get up. Oh, well.

Out of the mouth of babes

An elementary school nearby (here in our current neighborhood in Brooklyn) had these mommy profiles on their windows. They made me laugh so hard. One of the comments above read: "The biggest job she has is being a mother." I would have to agree, adding to it of course, that it is the most rewarding job. This made me wonder what my sweet little boy would say about me, so I asked him.

My Mother
by Liam (3 years old)

Name: Martha. Umm... not Martha, MAMA!
Age: I yo know, 2 years old
Hair: dark
Eyes: dark
Height: big
Weight: Liam is heavy, not mama
Favorite food: cooking and chocolate
Favorite drink: water
Favorite TV show: Jeopardy
Occupation: computer and cooking and picking up the toys

SO cute!

What a special gift, or blessing I should say, to be a mother to such a wonderful and sweet little boy. I love you, my little Liam. May you always stay as sweet as you are.

1 comment:

vdg family said...

How dear! :D I love it!