Saturday, August 28, 2010


Lest I forget to document yet another funny memory with my little boy.....

Another comical moment at the hotel (which daddy missed because he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow) was when we turned on the TV to watch a little bit before bedtime. We caught a preview for a movie called "Babies". This conversation ensued:

"Let's buy a baby, Mama."

"Oh really? Where should we buy one?" Thinking he was just referring to a baby doll.

"Maybe at ToysRUs, Mama, but not a toy baby." Holy moley! You mean a real one?! I tried to keep it cool.

"You mean a real one, sweetie?"

"Yes, Mama." Think fast. Think fast.

"Well, sometimes people adopt (new word for him) babies and that is expensive." Whew! I thought that would make him think for a little bit and then drop the subject.

"Then, let's make one!" Say what?! 

"Well, Liam, you can't make one because you are too little and you're not married, but Mama and Daddy can make one."

"Okay, that sounds like a good idea." -Then, he rolled over and went to sleep. 

Oh, boy, Daddy and I have a lot of thinking to do.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wow! Great way to handle this conversation. I think it's great that he knows you and daddy can "make" a baby. I hope I have the same cool when my kids start asking about the birds and the bees!