Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tickling the ivories

As you know, we are huge fans of Juno Baby. Well, those fabulously talented people are in the process of creating more videos and a Juno Junior line for older children. They have invited their fans to have their children audition for a chance to appear in one of their future videos. We would really love for Liam to appear in one of their wonderful videos, so we are asking (more like begging) our family and friends to please check out the video online and vote 5 stars. The video clip may not look like much since we all know what Liam's personality is really like, but we hope that by getting the votes he will be chosen and perform his best at the actual taping of the video. Note: There were technical difficulties on their part (battery ran out), so when Liam was ready, they weren't and vice versa. Liam is, after all, only 3 years old and his patience wears thin when it comes to waiting it out. So, in the end, this is the video clip they captured of Liam.


We are in the process ourselves of uploading one of Liam's many private performances here at home, so be sure to check that one out, too!

Thanks again, everyone!

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