Monday, August 16, 2010

Beauty, in the eyes of my three-year old

One day while Liam was playing with my hair, he grabbed my face and made a special request. He grabs my face every time he wants to make sure that I am paying attention. He smiled and said, "Mama, get yellow hair like me." I told him that I would think about it and that was that. We went to the pharmacy last Friday and happened to walk down the aisle with all the hair color on our way to the register. He stopped and looked for a half a minute and picked out the exact color and style he wants for me. Since I have never dyed my hair before, I told him that maybe I should have someone do it for me. He said, "You can do it, mama. Like shampoo!" I wonder if he will he let up or wear me out until I get the "yellow hair." If it turns out bad though, I can't very well place the blame on a three-year old and I don't have the money to do this kind of thing professionally. I'm hoping he will just forget about it.

He seems to be picking this up from advertisements he has seen in magazines, billboards and TV commercials. When I flip through a magazine and come to an ad for beautifully long eyelashes or a really nice lipstick color, he looks at me and says, "Like Mama!" He really is very sweet and a funny little boy without even knowing it. Just the other day, while walking past a bus stop, he happened to catch a Victoria's Secret ad of a beautiful woman modeling the latest underwear. He pointed to it and said, "Like mama!" Bless you, my dear, sweet child! While it is a very funny comparison and a far cry from reality, I am happy he thinks that I am the prettiest woman he has ever known. I pray that my little boy will always be able to see the beauty that is inside a person.

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