Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanks! Merci! Grazie! Gracias! Danke!

I find that I always have to remind Liam to say "please" and "thank you". Today, I had the food coop shift at childcare. It was a pretty easy day and the shift was done before we knew it. For once, Liam decided to stay at childcare while I did some shopping. Oh, happy day! After I was done with my care-free shopping and had creatively packed up all of my groceries, I went to pick him up. He was so ready to get out of there and so was I. As we walked over to our car, I talked to him about all the great food I bought for our sweet little family. After each and every item, he would give me a very enthusiastic "thank you!" So sweet!

Then, at home, Liam asked me for a cold drink. As I was pouring it, he said, "I'm going to say 'thank you', mama." I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. He looked at me, straight-faced, and asked, "What's the matter mama?" to which I said, "You make me so very happy." He gave me one of his sweetest smiles and then left with his drink in hand...without saying "thank you."


Lindsay said...

At least he had really good intentions, right? :)

Whirl Winds said...

Loved this story. Kids do say the darndest things. McKenzi