Thursday, October 7, 2010

Life happens

That is my excuse for the lack of posts lately. Life happens. Sometimes I wish I had a "pause" button, so that I could have a little extra time to catch up with all of the madness. For starters, we have had a few issues with the house regarding home repair. No big surprise. Estimates needed to be collected for this, that, and the other. Also, every time the weather changes, we cringe at the thought of what will happen next. Then, there were, of course, some last minute summer activities that we had to squeeze in before summer ended. There's also potty training as well as the constant disciplining of my tough little guy when he gets too rough. These have all exhausted our time and energy. We also had some sad news in our family, the passing of my mother-in-law. These will all be handled as separate posts.


vdg family said...

Our condolences to you and your family on the death of your mother-in-law. You are in our prayers.

ajmah said...

Martha -

So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law!

Ami Hart