Friday, February 4, 2011


Still cooped up and still catching up. Liam is doing a great job entertaining himself with his birthday toys and I am slowly trying to catch up with this blog. Only a few more lamo intros and some pics to document the last few months of 2010.

Did I mention that there is a farm museum only a short driving distance away? We went a few times last year. It was great for those days when our trips to the zoo were canceled, to be able to hop in our car and drive a few minutes to at least pet some farm animals. It's great just to be able to "unleash" Liam and let him run wild. My favorite part is just wandering about aimlessly and taking in all the greenery.

This farm is a NYC landmark and a working farm at the same time. Their crops, along with the free-range eggs and honey is sold at the world famous Union Square Green Market every Friday. Some is sold at their little shop next to the glass greenhouse for local residents. This farm also boasts a vineyard, an orchard, herb garden and is home to Italian honey bees.

Here are a few photos taken on two of our trips to the farm: (How nice it is to see all this greenery in the midst of all this snow and ice on the ground right now!)

 There was a small fair one weekend at the farm. He loves carousels. Liam was shocked that he could only ride this (pay-per-ride) carousel once.

 Friendly farm animals

 Friendly and it seems like they love having their photo taken. Here comes another curious one.

 I think this one is named Franny.

 Cute little house and barn. 
I imagine the previous owner might have been a little girl.

Hooray for free-range chickens!

 He keeps pulling on this thing, every time.

Love, love, love this little boy!

His first scarecrow sighting. A million questions followed.

This pic was taken on a beautiful patch of green in their apple orchard. The gate was open and we wandered in. Moments later, we were shooed away by the farm workers because the fence was live. Good thing I never let him touch those fences.

Still curious about this cart.

The honeybees! A safe distance away.

The peppers!

We didn't do the maze because it kind of creeps me out (The Shining).

Looking for licorice. (Inside family joke.)

"Where are all their pumpkins, mama?"

Small. but very pretty vineyard

Liam: "Hooray! I love this farm, mama!" (Me too, kiddo.)

Yes, he littered. And yes, I made him pick it up.

Muah! Right back at ya!
Love you, sweetie!


Burkulater said...

Looks like fun! Much better than this freezing cold winter! Cute kiddos :)

GR82BAMOM said...

Welcome and thanks for stopping by. How did you find my blog? :)