Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A two-year old makes oatmeal

So easy a two-year old can do it!

Once you've had a child, you fall into the habit of praising him constantly and marvel at every little thing he does. Those of us that have little ones (either children of your very own or little nieces and nephews) know that you just can't help it. It's those "first" moments though that really get to me, making me deliriously happy and at the same time nostalgic for when Liam was younger.

Here is a "first" for Liam, making his own breakfast (well, sort of). With a little bit of help from mommy, Liam made oatmeal for the first time. Here is how he did it:

In his cereal bowl:
1/4 cup of instant oatmeal (plain)
1 tablespoon of raisins, approx.
1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar, approx.
dash of cinnamon
hot water (poured into the bowl by mommy)

He stirred the mixture really well and actually waited a whole minute before adding:

1/2 of a Candycrisp apple (chopped by mommy)

I was so happy to see him so thrilled over the whole process, especially the stirring part. He wanted to snarf it all up immediately and didn't understand that we had to wait a few minutes before the oatmeal was done and slightly cooled down. Luckily, Abuelita called and it served as a distraction as we waited for the oatmeal. Then, I took quick photo of the bowl before he ate it all up.

Good job, Liam my boy! Before we know it, he will be making everyone's oatmeal in the morning and yelling out, "Breakfast!" -Well, hopefully not for a good long while!


Lindsay said...

Garrett eats oatmeal with me every morning for breakfast. He loves it! --though he doesn't make his own yet. Go Liam! :)

GR82BAMOM said...

I have to change it up a little at breakfast time. He will either have the oatmeal, cold cereal (Cheerios), waffles, banana and yogurt, or the occasional omelet. Not very balanced, but that's what he likes. Sometimes we wait to have the omelet for lunchtime. He does snack a lot, mostly fruit, thankfully.

Legendary Pink Dot said...

He's very talented for a 2-year old!! And that sounds like a yummy recipe. I can't get my boys to eat the stuff, so I just get the Quaker instant stuff.

Hey, thanks for venturing onto my blog! That was a fun surprise.

It sounds like you feed him very well. My 4-year wakes up begging for chocolate. Not that he usually gets any, though. MUST have real food.

I'm going to bookmark your blog. :)