Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pizza lovers

It seems that he takes after his mama in that he loves pizza.

Every time we go out and we are in the right neighborhood, he asks for his favorite pizza from a small, unassuming pizza joint not far from where we live. You get your standard no frills pizza here, and by no frills I mean your straight cheese, pepperoni, sausage or mushroom pizza. Nothing even remotely considered gourmet.

When we're home, I have to make sure I have all the ingredients on hand to fill his request for a pizza lunch. I try to get "healthier" ingredients so that I don't feel so guilty about eating pizza so often. That means, organic wherever possible or at least all natural. (The pepperoni is the exception!)

Here here is my pizza boy making his own personal mini pizza pie.
  • pre-made, whole wheat pizza pie
  • pasta sauce
  • fat-free cheese
  • pepperoni

Liam gave it a huge thumbs up! (Notice that double-jointed thumb, just like mama.)

Mmmmm! Pizza! Yum!

1 comment:

vdg family said...

That pizza looks so yummy. I would give you a thumbs up too!