Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter bucket instead of a basket

Lest you think we skipped Easter all together because of my illness.....


Liam got an Easter "bucket" instead of a basket this year (We had given him a wicker egg prior years.) I figured he could use the little Toy Story pail in the backyard or something this summer. I stuffed it with a Sesame Street "going green" book (that I purchased on Good Friday which also happened to be Earth Day) and a few other goodies: a spinbrush (most expensive item at $7.98 plus tax), Spiderman socks, pencils, and chocolate bunny (inside bucket). All for around $15 from our favorite store. Gotta love their $1 bin section!

Thankfully, his Church activity was planned the prior weekend, complete with egg hunting and all.

My little boy is growing up so fast. Hope to plan more fun things next year.

1 comment:

vdg family said...

So fun! Glad you are getting better.